Selasa, 20 September 2016

The place I want to visit


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           Mekkah is a major city in Saudi Arabia. The city is the main goal of the Muslim in Hajj. In this city there is a main building called Masjidil Haram and in which there Ka'bah. Ka'bah building is used as a benchmark Qibla for prayers Muslim worldwide.

           I want to go to Mekkah with my family, because in addition to Hajj I can also recreation. Which makes Mekkah unique is Zam Zam. Zam Zam water never runs out, Zam Zam water contains anti germs, can cure diseases.Which makes more unique Mekkah is Ka'bah, Ka'bah is the Qibla prayer for all muslims in the world and and is the oldest place of worship. In Mekkah there is the tomb Nabi Muhammad SAW. During the Hajj season Mekkah will full by pilgrims Hajj and people who have Hajj to be earned Hajj title. Usually people returning from Mekkah will bring date palm, raisins, nuts, and zam zam water. I grieve to the pilgrims Hajj who died there either because of illness or accident. Hopefully his good deeds be accepted and placed on the side of Allah.That makes my heart quiver is Azan Mekkah, because not only sound great but it was very internalized azan.


1. The communicative purpose of the text is ...
a. To give entertainment or amusement to the reader
b. To describe how something is accomplished
c. To persuade the reader that something is the case
d. To describe about the place
e. To persuade the reader buy something

Answer is d. To describe about the place

2. What the past tense of the verb go ...
a. Go
b. Went
c. Gone
d. Goes
e. Goed

Answer is b. Went

3. "That makes my heart quiver is Azan Mekkah" (paragraph 2, sentence 10)
The underlined word means ...
a. Tremble
b. Wooble
c. Vibrate
d. Steady
e. Shiver

Answer is a. Tremble

4. What usually people brought from Mekkah ...
a. Cap
b. Money
c. Date Palm
d. Prayer Beads
e. Ring

Answer is c. Date Palm

5. What is the benefit of Zam Zam Water ...
a. Cure Diseases
b. Add Disease
c. Causing Diarrhea
d. Constipate
e. Flu

Answer is a. Cure Diseases

6. What is the synonym of cure ...
a. Injury
b. Blockage
c. Heal
d. Hurt
e. Virus

Answer is c. Heal


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